Demons Harass Man After Coming Back from the Dead

After Ian McCormack woke up in the morgue and experienced a miraculous healing that allowed him to walk out of the hospital the next day, he had several supernatural experiences in the days immediately following his NDE.

We went back into the village that night.

I went to sleep and woke up as though something had spooked me. Something was freaking me out. I was deeply at peace, but my body was shivering. I rolled over and looked out the window and saw seven people gawking at me. I thought, Why have we got people coming to see the blinking jellyfish, whatever, and why are they staring and lurking outside my bedroom? But then as I looked, I realized that they had a human form but they were shadowed, dark, spiritual beings. When I looked at their eyes, I could see their eyes did not have round pupils. They were slits like you would see on a serpent.

And I was thinking, What the heck is that? And then as I looked at them, they spoke to me and said, “You are out and we are coming home.” I was thinking, You must be flipping joking, coming home? I had no point of reference for when Jesus said an unclean spirit goes out of a man and finds six or seven worse in a dry barren place and tries to come back into the house that has been swept clean so they can try to inhabit it. At that moment I was having a firsthand introduction to spiritual warfare 501, you know, instantly. I was seeing with my eyes that were now open to the supernatural and the spiritual realm. I was in a village that was full of voodoo. I had been places where they do evil things; I could sometimes feel it, but I had never seen it. It is much scarier when you think that you potentially had one of those evil things inside of you.

But of course, when you die, your spirit leaves. Why hang around the corpse? Go find some other poor soul. The Scriptures say they seek a place of rest. I turned the lights on and started freaking out. I wondered if I was going mental. Was I seeing the bogeyman? This seemed so Loony Tunes. I got to the point where I was sitting on the ground, thinking I had nearly snapped, when God said, “Son, pray the Lord’s Prayer.”

I could not fully remember it, so I walked through my previous experience and I said the only thing in the Lord’s Prayer where it says deliver us from evil. God said, “Pray, deliver us from evil.”

So I said, “Now wait, God, I have a bunch of evil. I do not know where the heck they came from, but they are certainly attentive toward me. I do not know what I have done or what I have said, but God, can You deliver me from the evil that is outside my window? That is just ominous.”

I finished praying the whole Lord’s Prayer. I walked through the entire testimony. I remembered the whole thing, and God said, “Okay, son, now you have prayed. Turn the lights out and go to sleep.”

I responded, “God, that is easy for You to say; You are up there. I am down here. And I have a pack of whatever they are outside my window. You must be joking.” I sat there and contemplated. I thought, Well, the prayer worked last night. I mean, I went to Heaven. I saw God. Well, why not? Why not? God’s got power over evil. I decided to turn the lights out and wait to see if they would come back. They did not come back. I realized there was power in the Lord’s Prayer.

Man Continues Having Demons Harass Him Following His Near Death Experience

Later that evening, I woke up in the middle of the night. There were three spiritual entities, which I can only understand to be demons from the Bible, standing in the shape of a human form. If you think they were once angels, I am sure they had some angelic body. Now God had destroyed it. I think Ezekiel 28:18 says that God consumed lucifer and the angelic bodies with fire. So that’s spiritual darkness because we do not fight against flesh and blood. So I was now seeing spiritual beings of darkness trying to assail me. That freaked me out, so I turned the lights on.

For some reason, they hated the light. I sat down and went through the same experience, and God said, “The Lord’s Prayer saved your life. Deliver us from evil—pray it again.” Bam! I prayed and they were gone. So the next night I woke up. There was a girl I had been trying to move on, a beautiful young Creole girl. She said, “Hey, I want to talk to you.” I was thinking, No, I am not interested in girls. Just leave me alone. She said, “I have got to talk to you. It’s so important.” I walked around the side of the house and opened the door. And here was this young girl and the red spiritual entities that I had seen out of their physical bodies. One of them was inside her. I could see it inside her eyes. She held the door. I could not shut it. Her voice had changed.

So I had this woman speaking with a man’s voice, and I was thinking, That is the thing that is in her. What the heck? And it said, “You are coming with us tonight.” I could not physically shut the door. I could not budge it. I could hear someone or something crawling on the edge of the house. And I went, God, help me! The next minute my hand lifted and I said, “In Jesus’s name.” I thought, Did I just say that? And then an invisible fist hit this girl on the chest. Her physical body was thrown through the air and onto the ground. I was going, This is madness! “Jesus” had been a swear word. Now that word had power. I wondered what the heck was going on. That woman had some evil thing in her. She was demonized. I had heard about demonized people going into trances, walking on fire, and hanging from meat hooks. I had seen some of that stuff.

I was beginning to connect the dots and realized this woman must be involved in voodoo. Who knew what she was involved in or what spirit she had gotten involved with. Her body moved like a snake, trying to lunge toward me. I slammed the door shut and was freaking out. I wondered what I had done to cause these spiritual beings to want to take me out. God said, “Well, your sin will find you out—you were willing to try to sleep with that girl. And in this world, if you sleep with one of the local girls, you either marry them or the brothers will kill you.”

That must have been right. I had seen that happen in Thailand. I had seen that in various parts of the world. You touch the locals and you are in trouble, but normally you get away with it when you are a sinner like me. Now, I had just seen God. I was praying every day. The Bible says let there be no foothold, no sin. That puts the fear of God in most Christians. Do not muck around, you know? So I was standing there thinking I needed to get out of this country.

The next night I saw a spear come through the window. Her boyfriend and brothers were trying to kill me where I slept. I shone the torchlight at them and their eyes were red. And now I had three men with red eyes and the girl whose eyes were red outside my house. I realized that was where some of those flipping demons must have gone. For some reason, they were trying to kill me. And of course, I had the name of Jesus and the power of the Lord’s Prayer. I also had a bit of Irish in me, being called McCormack—a family name that means “no fear.”

I now understood that the demons cowered back from the light and the prayers.

Man Encounters White-Eyed Demons Coming Out of An Idol Statue

The Lord had shown me the kingdom of darkness and now I was realizing that the kingdom of darkness rules much of this world. By God’s grace, I was able to get out and make it to Perth; I flew out of there. I met up with my brother and shared my testimony with him and it freaked him out. I slept in his best friend’s bedroom, who was away in Nepal. In the middle of the night, I was attacked by these white-eyed spiritual entities. As I walked around, God showed me that they came out of a Buddha statue that was sitting on the fireplace. I wondered why the white-eyed demons had come out of that idol. It turned out his roommate was studying to be a Nepalese monk and was talking to some guru up in the mountains of Nepal. Previously I had thought Buddhism was quite harmless, but here I was finding that the idols have spiritual entities inside of them and the Bible calls them demons.

Next, I flew home to New Zealand. When I got home, I got a sense of another demonic attack. I said, “God, how do I get rid of them?”

Do you know what He said? He told me to read the Bible. He had already told me in the plane; when I asked Him what had happened to me, He said, “You are a reborn Christian.”

I said, “I have heard of Catholics, I have heard of Baptists, but what is reborn?”

He said, “When you prayed the Lord’s Prayer in the ambulance, you were born again.”

I said, “I do not understand all this.”

He said, “If you want to know, read a Bible.”

I said, “I do not have one. I have never read one.”

He said, “Your dad’s got one.” So I walked into the bedroom and asked my dad. Within six weeks I had read the entire Bible.


Immediately following his NDE, Ian McCormack started seeing in the spirit. His first encounter was with seven demons who manifested outside his bedroom window. Surprisingly, they told him they were ready to come back home.

Having limited experience with prayer and deliverance ministry, Ian did the only thing he knew to do—pray the Lord’s Prayer. After all, it worked during his NDE. He said the Lord’s Prayer, turned out the light, and the demons did not come back that night.

As Ian recounted, he had no experience in spiritual warfare, so this was like being pushed into the graduate level ministry, spiritual warfare 501.

Ian’s demonic harassment continued after that first night. The second occurrence was three entities manifesting in a human-like form. Next, a girl he had been trying to get with showed up asking to speak with him. Ian could see in her eyes that she was being demonically influenced, speaking with a man’s voice and wielding superhuman strength. What must have been under the influence of the Holy Spirit, Ian raised his hand and said, “In Jesus’s name.” The girl was thrown back on the ground and began to writhe like a snake.

The next night a spear came through Ian’s window. He realized that the girl’s boyfriend and brothers were trying to kill him. Ian would soon decide to leave the country.

Ian likely had many questions, but based on his handful of demonic encounters in those few days, he did understand that the demons cowered back from the light and from his prayers. It wasn’t much, but it was something he could work with.

After leaving the island, Ian went to visit his brother in Perth, Australia. While he was staying at his brother’s house he was attacked by several white-eyed spiritual beings. As Ian looked around his brother’s house, God showed him that these demons were coming out of an idol statue in the living room.

When he returned home to New Zealand, Ian asked God how to get rid of demons. God told him to read the Bible. Six weeks later he had read the Bible from cover to cover.

Of all the NDEers we’ve interviewed, Ian’s story of multiple demonic encounters following his time on the other side is definitely the most severe we’ve found to date.

Near Death Experiences

If you have ever been curious about life beyond the grave, if you've ever doubted whether Heaven really exists, Near Death Experiences is the powerful testimony of life beyond the veil that you've been waiting for.

In Near Death Experiences, Randy Kay and Shaun Tabatt have collected fascinating stories of near-death experiences and afterlife encounters from ordinary people who have visited Heaven. Each of these brief accounts paints a clear picture of what heaven is really like and the radical life-changing experiences from those who have stood in the presence of Jesus.

These supernatural accounts of the afterlife will:

  • Confront misconceptions about God and Heaven

  • Impart the healing love of the Father

  • Offer a heavenly perspective on earthly trials

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Don't spend another day in confusion or uncertainty. In Near Death Experiences, you will find the afterlife answers, Heavenly hope, and eternal encouragement that you have been seeking.

Ian McComack

Ian McComack was night diving off the island of Mauritius when he was stung multiple times by Box Jellyfish, which are among the most venomous creatures in the world. His testimony relates how he clung to life while getting to hospital, was declared clinically dead soon afterwards, and how during this time he had an encounter with Jesus, which radically changed the direction of his life.


11 Hour Heaven Journey with Jesus: Incredible Testimony!