Her Son Went to Heaven & Met Moses And Abraham!

Retah’s life changed completely on the night of a car accident that left her son Aldo fighting for his life.

This began a faith journey that would be laced with both hardships and supernatural miracles. While in the hospital battling for her son she experienced the presence of God and would be forever changed. During the process of Aldo’s recovery he began to express through his writing that he met Jesus and witnessed the glory of heaven. He also emerged with a deep understanding of scripture and messages he claimed were from God. These messages through Aldo continue today.

When Aldo McPherson was 12-years old a car accident left him in a coma.

While in the coma, he had a supernatural experience where he went to heaven, saw God, the angels, Moses and Abraham. Aldo came back with one message: "Jesus is alive!"

This book challenges the complacent. Is God still your first love? Are you sold-out to Him? Filled with Scripture references, and direct quotes from the Bible, Message from God will ignite the sparks of the Holy Spirit in your life and bring you closer to God, while Aldo’s letters in his own handwriting give a sense of authenticity not often found in miracle stories.

Retah McPherson

Retah McPherson and her family were involved in a near-fatal motorcar accident in 2004. Her eldest son, Aldo, sustained serious brain injuries and was in a coma for months following the accident. Aldo awoke from the coma with one message: "Mommy, I need to tell the world that Jesus is alive!" Retah is a Christian public speaker and travels around the world proclaiming the coming of the King of kings. Visit www.retahmcpherson.com.


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